The Benefits of Microsoft Partner of the Year Award to a Company
As the president and chief strategy officer of Disaster Technologies Incorporated, Roger Coleman, based in New York City, oversees the operations of the data-driven disaster preparedness, response, and tools and platform provider. A career business executive, Roger Coleman also owns New York-based Coleman Group Partners and supports several organizations, including Children’s Aid.
Founded in 1853 by Charles Loring Brace, Children’s Aid aims to improve the quality of life of impoverished children and equip them with tools to succeed. The organization seeks to attain this mission by providing support to the children, the youth, and their families in the disadvantaged areas of New York City.
The team comprises teachers, social workers, healthcare providers, and coaches. By alleviating stress, family instability, poverty, and emotional distress, the children can positively pursue their dreams. Since its inception, Children’s Aid has distributed over 2300 food packages every week and supported over 700 youth participating in college access and success programs.
One of the most notable Children’s Aid initiatives is reforming the Orphan Train. Based on the ambitious social experiment of the early 1900s, the revamped Orphan train program aimed to resettle vulnerable and orphaned children living in New York City to other regions. However, some of the children ended up in child labor camps or with abusive parents. Children’s Aid has turned the mission of the orphan train into a streamlined, regulated, registered foster care and social welfare system for poor New York Neighborhoods.